Elon Musk, the Tesla CEO, who is also famous for his Twitter banter, recently looked at Web 3.0 technologies. Previously, Musk had proposed the DOGE coin as an alternative to BTC after trolling the latter. In his latest tweet, Musk said, “Has anyone seen web3? I can’t find it.” Musk is directly taking a dig at the biggest trend in cryptocurrency after NFTs and, of course, Metaverse.
Some people have predicted that Web 3.0 technologies could be the next generation of internet tech that will take over the world of the internet. Moreover, both blockchain and crypto are an integral part of Web 3.0.
Elon Musk is a huge supporter of both blockchain and crypto, and so his attempt at trolling Web 3.0 technologies has caught everyone’s attention, especially Jack Dorsey, who is the former Twitter CEO and a Bitcoin proponent. In response to Musk’s tweet, Dorsey himself sent a cheeky tweet that reads, “It’s somewhere between a and z.”
On various occasions, Musk has been trolled by the tech world because apparently, according to trolls, Musk tries to make fun of things he cannot fully comprehend, including NFTs. NFTs have found extreme popularity in 2021. There are many people who are skeptical about the whole idea of people paying millions of dollars for JPEGs, and Musk is one of them.
A few early digital collectibles have been sold for millions of dollars. On December 16, Musk posted another meme which was an attempt at taking a dig at NFTs, and some users pointed out that the idea of NFTs was the same as Tesla selling normal things for exuberant prices.
The Crypto Community, both online and off, has had a divided opinion over Musk. When Tesla first announced that the company will take BTC payment, the crypto community welcomed the move, naturally. However, that soon changed as Tesla canceled the BTC payment option.