Free Fire has recently launched a new Moco store event, which includes some of the previously released Free Fire X Money Heist collaboration goodies. It is now time for the Free Fire players who were unable to participate in the Heist Initiate to obtain some of their favorite rewards. Along with the appealing bundle outfit this time, players have the option to acquire fantastic wall skins, weapon skins, and emotes.
It is a luck-based event, the same as the other Luck Royale events, and lucky players can even win the grand or bonus prize in fewer spins. There are only a specific amount of spins available, and the event promises that all of the awards will be earned within a particular number of spins. Players anticipate such moments since they may increase their account collections and win awards by purchasing just an adequate amount of diamonds.
Free Fire new Heist Initiate Moco store event: Get bundles, Gloo wall skin, and more
The Heist Initiate event has been added to the game on 10 July, and players will be able to participate in this event until 16 July. The following are the six grand prizes and six additional prizes that can be selected by players in the Free Fire Heist Initiate event:
Grand prizes
- Plan Bermuda Shinobi Bundle
- Make It Rain emote
- Money Throw emote
- Woodpecker – Red Robster weapon skin
- Plan Bermuda Kunoichi Bundle
- Gloo Wall – Plan Bermuda
Bonus prizes
- Bag O’ Cash
- Pan – Greatest Heist skin
- Pet Skin: Kitty Heist
- Plan Bermuda Vault
- Plan Bermuda Pickup Truck
- Pet Skin – Panda Heist
How to complete the new Moco store event in Free Fire?
From the six possible awards, players must choose one Grand prize and one Bonus prize, which will be added to the event’s reward pool. The next step is for players to spin. Once a user has taken their chosen item from the prize pool, they will not receive the same prize again, increasing the likelihood that they will receive both desired rewards.
The first spin will in the Heist Initiate event cost 9 diamonds, and the cost increases up to 499 diamonds for the 6th spin. However, the cost for every spin increases consequently. For players who want to acquire every item, the total cost for 6 spins is 834 diamonds, which represents a reasonable value.