Only last month there were rumors that the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S10 could offer up to 12 GB of RAM in its highest configuration yet. The rumor, however, was soon dismissed after it was verified that it was a prediction made by an analytical firm, and was not a leak as previously believed.
Today, however, GF Securities have published in one of the reports the possibility of one of the variants of the Galaxy S10 having 12GB of RAM and a storage capacity of 1TB.
It is probable that these specifications correspond to the same Galaxy S10 5G model that shall reportedly be equipped with a large 6.7-inch screen.
While some previous leaks had suggested that the device, with the model number of SM-G75FC, could arrive with 512 GB of storage; today’s announcement jeopardizes the surety as it now remains to be seen if the phone will eventually sport 512 GB or 1 TB of storage.
Rumors also suggest that the Galaxy S10 5G may have four rear cameras made of white or black ceramic.
It may here be noted that reports suggest that Samsung will equip its Galaxy S10 phone with a 3D detection module based on TOF (Time-Of-Flight), a technology that calculates depth by measuring the amount of time taken by infrared light to reach the subject and be reflected back.