Gionee has launched its latest flagships, the Gionee S11 Lite and F205 at an event in New Delhi today, five months after its official launch in China. Priced at 13,999 and 8,999, respectively, the mid-range and budget phones pack in a lot of impressive features, including FullView 18:9 displays.
Setting off the new fiscal year with a bang, the primary driver behind our new launches F205 and S11 Lite is to amalgamate affordability with functionality. Catering to the swelling demand for pre-eminent smartphone features at competitive price points, both the launches are designed to lead the sub – 15K category in India. With new age features like Face Unlock, Fingerprint shutter, bokeh and group selfies with backlight; coupled with a Full View Display, we intend to establish connect with the youth and continue fulfilling their demands and requirements in the times to come. – Alok Shrivastava, Director, National Sales, Gionee India
The Gionee S11 Lite sports a 3D 4-sided curved body on the rear and a 5.70-inch HD+ display with a 2.5D Gorilla Glass on its anterior. Powered by a Snapdragon 430 chipset, the device boasts 4GB of RAM, apart from 32GB of internal storage expandable up to 128GB via external SD cards. On its rear, the device has a dual camera setup with 13 MP primary and 2 MP secondary sensors; and its front has been equipped with a 16 MP selfie camera that supports Bokeh Selfies and features updated Face Beauty mode. Running on Android 7.1.1 Nougat, the phone receives its charge from a 3,030mAh battery and comes with a Face Unlock feature. S11 Lite will be made available in shades of Gold, Dark Blue, and Black.
The Gionee F205 sports a 5.45-inch display and is powered by a quad-core MT6739 chip, offering 2GB of RAM and 16GB of internal storage, expandable up to 256GB via external SD cards. The device has been equipped with an 8MP front and a 5 MP rear camera. Running on Android 7.1.1 Nougat, the F205 features a 2,679 mAh battery and Face Unlock. The device shall be available in shades of Rose Gold, Black, and Blue Both the phones support features like App Lock; App Clone, which allows users to create 3 different WhatsApp accounts simultaneously; Private Space 2.0; and a Fake Private Space, among others. The Gionee F205 supports 2 nano-SIM cards and has a third slot for an external SD card.