Digital marketing strategy- these three words are enough to describe the phrase even to a layman as they hint a plan or arrangement to enhance the level of digital marketing. However, there is more to it that needs to be analyzed to bring in better conversions.
In the rapidly growing digital age, we don’t just need old-school marketing methods like print or event marketing but also the ones which capture the online visitors as if we look into a research data, “40% of consumers are using the search engines to get more information while making their purchasing decisions. And taking note of the data it comes as no surprise that Google gets over 100 billion searches each month.”
Whenever setting a new website, there are few guidelines which if followed carefully can turn out to be a great help in elevating the rank of the website.
A little preparation is always fruitful when drafting an integrated strategy about any new website as any unplanned marketing move can lead to adverse effects.
Great Team: Well begun is half done, similarly having an efficient team is also the starting of great business as they are the ones who will not only help you draft a strategy but also pull out it well.
Always Make A List Of Your Target: Like in any business first we mark out the target audience similarly here also listing them first can help you set the stage for everything to come. Now that you are all set to introduce a website, you need to be careful as you are entering a wider world of online or internet.
Research: Now that the operational area is so huge; a little homework before executing any marketing plan would be a smart move. Your research should be an amalgamation of:
Competitive Analysis: Knowing your competition beforehand can give you a better idea of what points should be included in your strategy so that you can excel.
SWOT Analysis: Before you hit the market with your strategy it’s better to analyze your websites’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Once you are done with analysis now you are ready to draw your strategy. This process of drawing a strategy may include a few vital points like:
-Make sure you have a crisp, clean and creative content line so that visitors on the website don’t get bored. Also, make the content reader-friendly by using easy language and understandable font.
–Website design is another important feature when drafting a plan. What pages you have on-site, how the layout is, is accessing your site troublesome for users, etc. are a few vital points to be noticed.
-Ensuring that you have an Optimized Website, which can be done by hiring great SEO providers as they are the masters of search engine optimization and can help your website gain maximum traffic and list in a better place.
– Selecting your distribution channels is another important thing as plan executed in the right place is always productive. In case you are clueless about it, you can take the help of SEO team and if you lack one no worries find an SEO services provider which provides services on the project basis.
-Branding is another key to derive maximum visitors towards your website. Now that it is a website you need to make online users feel your presence on social media.

Finance: Whether it’s a website or any other business money matter does matter! Make sure your digital marketing strategy does not exclude costing. Not only you define your budget but also keep a goal that how much in return you can get from your plan. In case you meet out your expectations it’s great but if there is a difference coming then you need to revise your strategy.
-Once you are done with the planning, it’s time to focus on some digital marketing tactics which will support your website. To get your website more visitors or revenue you may use these few devices:
Content Marketing: These days blogging or feature writing is the new trend in digital marketing as they are not only informative but creative and don’t let readers get bored.
Downloadable Content: Dropping newsletters or providing e-books is another way of making way amongst the visitors.
Email Marketing: Sending emails regarding your website and enlightening readers about the newness of your USPs is another great idea of promotion.
Social Media Marketing: This one is the latest one and is very much in trend. Social media, which includes Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc gives you a wider platform to meet our people and let them know about your website. You can even hire SMO’s to perform Social Media Optimization for your website. Also, you can use paid advertising which can generate better results and can bring in more target audiences. Paid advertising includes Google AdWords and social media advertising.
While Google AdWords helps you be more visible on the search engine page, social media advertising help you circulate or promote your website on various social media platforms.
Feedback– Just drafting a policy and implementing is not enough you need to be more cautious especially when it’s about any new website as there is a lot of competition. Every fortnight or monthly take a look at the reports and follow up the proceedings to keep things sailing smoothly.
Mobile-Friendly- This is a fact that a mobile-friendly site attracts more customers. The recent research says, “Mobile manages to drive the maximum sales growth for businesses.” Not at all surprising, as users not only like saving time by shopping or reading online, but also keeping it handy and easy. And most importantly a website on mobile can be accessed from anywhere and anytime.
However, they are just guidelines to help you find a way but it’s always better to judge your instincts and observe the market to perform better and craft out an integrated strategy to keep your site amongst the best.