How to Increase WooCommerce Sales In 9 Easy Steps

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Imagine, you have just opened up your WooCommerce store. What will be your major goal? In fact, what is the major goal of anyone owning a store? 

Yes, it is making profits. It’s a simple answer. 

Whether it is an online or an offline store, the main target, ALWAYS, is to earn as much revenue as possible. 

Probably wondering now how to increase WooCommerce sales, right?

Well, worry not. I am here to guide you through 9 really helpful but extremely easy steps to increase the sales of your WooCommerce store. 

Importance of Increasing WooCommerce Sales

If you want to make your desired amount of profits, you must increase the number of your sales, as simple as that. There are millions of online stores and thousands of the same niche you are in. Why should people buy stuff from you?

What is it that you are offering them and others are not? And more importantly, how do you let them know that? Every little step is important when you plan your business and without making enough profits, you can never expect growth and development. 

Now, increasing the sales of your WooCommerce store might not be a smooth journey, but it is absolutely attainable. 

How, you say? No need to scratch your head, my friend, just be with me as I take you through 9 really useful techniques.

9 Easy Steps On How To Increase WooCommerce Sales

Without any ado, let’s get into the 9 easy steps which can help you in boosting your WooCommerce store’s sales-

1. Cross-selling and up-selling

These are probably the easiest and most popular strategies to increase sales. 

Cross-selling is the way by which you can show complementary products available in your store in front of the customers as to what they have chosen.

On the other hand, up-selling is the way by which you can show similar products of higher range to what the customers have chosen.

Suppose, your customer is buying a phone, or choosing one. What you do is display an array of complementary products in front of them, like headphones, chargers, speakers etc. – just a gentle nudge to remind them what they might need. This is cross-selling.

Now, assume your customer is looking for a specific phone and you display another one in front of them with the same or similar configuration and specifications, but at a higher price. So, basically you are influencing the buyer’s decision and motivating them to buy a more expensive or premium product.

This is a perfect example of upselling. 

This might be the most innocent yet effective trick of them all. You simply inform your customers about the products they might not know about and

Et voila! Your sales have increased! 

2. Discounts, offers and sales

Who doesn’t love discounts and offers? You do, I do, we all do!

So, it’s only fair if you let your customers enjoy this ecstatic shopping experience. 

Offering discounts and promotional offers and arranging occasional sales would drive customers to your store. There will be a lot of new customers, and it is an excellent opportunity for you to make a loyal customer base FOR LIFE!

There are quite a number of ways to provide these benefits to your customers. You can offer discounts up to a certain percentage, arrange sales on different occasions or holidays and at the same time, you can also offer bundle offers to your customers. 

All of these attract people! These offers also influence people to buy things even if they were not thinking of buying any. I will say it’s a win-win for both parties. The customers are getting great deals and your sales are bound to increase too. 

There are a number of WooCommerce plugins for generating discount codes, coupons etc. Choose the best WooCommerce plugins to increase sales and get on with it. 

3. Improving the store’s UI/UX

First, let’s get you introduced with the terms UI and UX if you are not familiar with these already. UX refers to the user’s experience and UI refers to the user’s interface. 

Now, suppose your shop was a physical one, and not an online one. Surely you would have decorated and presented it in the most attractive ways possible, right? You would have spent a lot of money in order to make your store look welcoming and pleasant. 

So, why would your online store be any different? The only difference is, you do not need to spend a huge amount of money to decorate your WooCommerce store. WordPress has a huge number of free WooCommerce themes which you can put to use.

People do online shopping because A, it is super convenient, and B, it can be personalized and upgraded as to their likings. A good shopping experience depends on a lot of factors.

First of all, you have to ensure that your product page takes minimum time to load. Because we all know how impatient people can be nowadays and they literally make their decisions in seconds. 

No one will stay on your page if it starts buffering or takes even more than 5-6 seconds to load. What you can do is use a good cache plugin which will definitely boost your page loading speed. 

Secondly, make your product page as exquisite as possible. Everything should be arranged in such a way so that the customers can just take a peek and find whatever they are looking for. 

In short, architect your page in a way which is at the same time convenient and aesthetically pleasing for anyone who views it. 

4. Smooth and effective checkout

Now that you have given your customers a smooth shopping experience, your next duty is to ensure that they have a smooth and effective checkout. This part is actually more crucial than you think. 

There are some really important steps which the buyers have to go through after they select any product. They need to put everything in the cart, select their payment method, put their shipping and billing address and checkout.

And what you have to do is ensure that they can go through all these stages without any difficulty. Keep options for all kinds of payment methods and be flexible on registrations. 

People, especially the young generation, are very reluctant to register for anything. So, whenever they are asked to register in order to buy anything, there is a strong possibility that they will skip, which is why you need to consider guest checkouts. This will allow you to grab a lot of first-timers, and it is definitely good for your business.

5. Show complementary products

Let me ask you one more time. Why did you open up this store in the first place? To sell your products and to make as much profits from that, right? Okay, so in order to do that you will have to adopt every little trick to motivate and influence the buyers to buy products from you.

One such trick is displaying complementary products in front of the buyers. Suppose they are buying a dress. Show more similar dresses and accessories in front of them. Flash more and more options in front of them.

Also, display a tab like “People who purchased it also liked”. People can be easily influenced nowadays. The shopper’s psychology pushes them to avail of the products which the crowd is going crazy about. Use that!

6. Exit-intent pop-up

This is a very good technology to influence buyers’ decisions and ensure your sales. 

Imagine a scenario. A customer has gone through your products and selected some to put in his cart. For some reason, he decides not to buy those anymore and decides to leave your site. 

Frustrating, right?

Well, the exit-intent technology comes in handy in these times. This technology identifies when a viewer decides to leave the page and lets you pop-up a notification window in front of them when they do. 

You can notify them about anything. You can ask them to “Subscribe” to your page or let them know about any ongoing discount or offer they might have missed. You can also suggest other similar products if they have not liked the ones they had previously chosen. 

You don’t want to sound desperate or pushy, obviously. So, you have to choose some gentle pop-up messages for this, more like a friendly reminder.

The exit-intent pop-ups help you to influence the buyers for one last time and motivate them to buy your products. This is indeed a great technique to reduce the rate of your cart abandonment and boost WooCommerce online sales.

7. Social proofing

It is a simple psychological thing. When your friends buy something and praise it in front of you, a positive note about that product is automatically created in your mind. If your close ones have liked the product, it is highly likely that you will love it as well.

The same thing happens with your products and your customers. If you can portray the good reviews in front of them, it will create a sense of trust about the quality of the product within them.

You will be amazed to know that 87% of the purchases which are done in today’s age start with thorough online research. Besides, almost 9 people out of 10 have the tendency to read online reviews about a product before they decide on buying that.

You can take help from different social media platforms in this regard too. People are on these platforms for a significant period of time throughout their days. And they are highly influenced by any product which is trending and is being liked by many.

You can reach millions of customers through your social media accounts and it is actually one of the imperatives today – to be active on social media and to interact and communicate with your customers on the online pages. It is the easiest way to reach millions of customers, and at the same time!

And it goes without saying that the more customers you will reach, the more sales you’ll have.

Besides, social media pages can also be one of the best ways for you to get customer reviews and complaints. It is natural to receive a complaint or two once in a while, and if you want to maintain your reputation, you need to deal with those gracefully. 

8. Using the right plugins

Plugins are generated to make your life easier. Whatever problem you might have in your WooCommerce store, there is a possibility that there is a plugin there which can come to your rescue.

However, you have to cherry-pick which of the thousands of plugins available in WordPress are suitable for your business and will serve your purpose.

Here, I am pointing out some exclusively crafted plugins which are highly popular and can really help you in your business- 

  • Booster for Woocommerce: This plugin is more like an all-in-one package. The multi-dimensional plugin contains several top-notch features like generating PDF invoices and packing slips, maintaining different currencies, dealing with issues related to carts and so on.
  • Mailchimp for WooCommerce: This is basically a plugin for marketing automation. The common uses of this plugin are to keep track of your buyers and their purchases, identify potential customers for your business and drive them to your social media accounts, create pleasant looking landing pages etc.
  • WooCommerce Live Sales Notification: The live sales notification plugin can be used in order to notify the customers about anything and everything. You can customize these notifications and display those according to your needs very easily. Using this plugin can surely boost WooCommerce online sales for you. 
  • WooCommerce Product Feed: This uniquely designed plugin is one of the most optimized & error-free WooCommerce product feed plugins available. It has been crafted to make your product listing approved quicker, enhance product information conditionally, filter unoptimized products and keep all your product info updated on multiple channels, that too, automatically! 

The plugin has been orchestrated to reduce your sufferings as to creating product feeds and distributing them in numerous marketing/shopping channels, which includes google shopping, facebook catalog, pinterest and 100+ others.

  • OptinMonster: This particular plugin is your best solution to generate the right kinds of messages as pop-ups on your website. The plugin has been designed to give you great options to personalize your pop-ups as to give your website viewers the best experience. This is actually one of the best WooCommerce plugins to increase sales.
  • PDF Invoice & Packing Slip for WooCommerce: Your business actions cannot be completed without generating invoices or packing slips and this plugin can take away your hassles while doing that. Numerous useful options help you in finding the best and most effective kinds of pdf invoices and packing slips. 
  • WooCommerce Direct Checkout: This particular plugin has been built in order to simplify the process of checkout for the customers. Ordering anything becomes as easy as possible if you have this plugin activated. Besides it helps in cart abandonment issues as well. 

9. Strong marketing strategy

Suppose you have the best product there ever is. The quality of your product is top-notch, the service you are going to provide to your customers is mindblowing. 

All good. Kudos to you!

But how do you expect people to know this? They cannot know about all the amazing services you are willing to provide unless you showcase those in front of everyone, right?

That is why it is immensely vital that you adopt unique and strong marketing policies and techniques for your WooCommerce business. There are literally thousands of ways which you can use in order to keep your marketing game strong.

The first rule is to be regular. Be in constant communication with your potential customer base. Put forward all the information in front of them, but use the most unique ways to do that. Be creative and understand how the customers think and how they behave. 

Using the current trends and linking them to your products can be one of the cool marketing tricks of today. People love interacting with the stores who remain updated. 

Livestreaming about your products can be another effective option in this. Yours is an online store, thus it is not possible for the customers to judge the quality of your products firsthand. When you livestream the products, it gives them the nearest chance to look closer into the products and it increases the chance of your sales by a great deal.

You can engage with your buyers directly during these live streaming sessions which is another benefit you will enjoy. Communicating directly with your potential customer base through Facebook, Instagram or any other social media platform can give you high rates of conversions.

I will have to mention here again how effective social media pages can be in this regard. Promoting your business in front of millions of social media users becomes just a matter of a few clicks when you adopt the right social media marketing tricks. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the best WooCommerce plugins to increase sales?

There are actually thousands of them. Some of the most popular ones are Beeketing for WooCommerce, WooCommerce Live Sales Notification, Booster for Wocommerce and so on.

What are the best marketing strategies to increase WooCommerce sales?

The best marketing strategy to increase sales in today’s age is using the social media platforms to the highest. Besides, identifying the potential customer base and showcasing customer reviews and testimonials are also very effective strategies. 

How can I get customers through WooCommerce?

WooCommerce uses popular and useful extensions in order to engage more and more customers the stores like Product reviews Pro, Google ads, Pinterest, Facebook, Instagram, Google Product Feed and so on.

To wrap it up

The world of WooCommerce is vast. There are opportunities for everyone. There is a chance for everyone to grow and evolve. That is the reason you need to stand out among all these equally blessed stores and bring out everything in your arsenal so that you can fulfill your ultimate goal- skyrocketing your sales.

The 9 steps mentioned in this blog are very easy ones for anyone to adopt, but these are also some of the most effective ones. 

Do let me know which of these work the best for your store!

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