HP has presented its new Elite Dragonfly laptop in India. This laptop seeks to offer versatility and is especially comfortable for the user. Thanks to some of its features, the battery life and the lightness of the laptop are the key in providing up to 24 hours of use and reducing its weight thanks to the use of plastic materials. The new HP Elite Dragonfly laptop price starts from Rs 1,47,990 in its entry model.
HP has opted for something different this time for its Elite range. The new HP Elite Dragonfly comes in a bluish tone and a magnesium alloy construction that can give the impression that we are not facing in a high-end laptop. On the contrary, the computer comes to war with interesting features and functionalities in its design and internal specifications.
HP Dragonfly Elite Specifications
SCREEN | 13.3-inches 4K Touchscreen |
DIMENSION | 304.2 x 19.76 x 1.62 mm |
WEIGHT | 0.9 kg |
RAM | Up to 16 GB |
PROCESSOR | 8th generation Intel Core vPro |
STORAGE | From 128 GB to 2 TB |
BATTERY | Up to 24.5 hours of battery life |
WEBCAM | 720p |
OTHERS | 2 Thunderbolts with USB-C, 1 USB 3.1, HDMI, jack, 4G connection, and fingerprint reader. |
PRICE | From Rs 1,47,990 |
The new HP Elite Dragonfly notebook brings an eighth-generation Intel Core processor. Depending on the model we choose, it can come from an Intel Core i3-8145U to an Intel Core i7-8565U. In any of these cases, the GPU is maintained at Intel UHD Graphics 620. On the other hand, RAM starts at 8 GB and can be expanded up to 16 GB. Similar to SSD storage, which starts at 128 GB and can be up to 2 TB.
The laptop brings a number of interesting connections, but perhaps somewhat brief. We have its two Thunderbolt USB-C ports, a USB-A port, HDMI connection, and jack. Note that the built-in webcam has an integrated cover to physically turn it off if desired. As far as security is concerned, it has a fingerprint reader and is compatible with Windows Hello.
The HP Elite Dragonfly is a convertible laptop, which means you can open its 13-inch 4K screen in 360 degrees to leave the keyboard on the back and use it as a tablet thanks to its touch screen. To do this you can directly use the hand or some stylus, although it does not bring any built-in stylus. The screen itself is an FHD touch panel with 400 nits of brightness in the entry-level model, then there are options of 4K compatible UHD screen and up to 550 nits of brightness for the premium model.
Lightness and battery life as main assets
HP has emphasized these two aspects of the laptop, its enormous battery life and the lightness of the set. On paper, the laptop can reach up to 24.5 hours of use “on a properly configured HP Elite Dragonfly.” However, it will have to be tested in real use to see how it behaves in practice.
Apparently, HP claims to have used recycled plastics from the ocean floor for the construction of this laptop. With a chassis made of magnesium alloy, the laptop does not exceed a kilogram of total weight. It has an ultra-thin keyboard and takes advantage of almost 86% of the front for the screen.
But here is a trick, the 24.5 hours of battery backup are not given on the same HP Elite Dragonfly laptop of less than 1 kilogram. By default, the entry model comes with 16.5 hours of use and effectively weighs less than 1 kg. However, the user can opt for a superior model where the battery usage rises to 24.5 hours in exchange for raising the laptop’s final weight. In both cases, the battery has fast charge support to obtain up to 50% charge in 30 minutes.