HP, one of the most popular laptop manufacturers in India, is continuously advancing its product lineup range in the country and has now seized over 80 crores worth of Fake HP-labeled products in India.
The company has been fighting these counterfeit issues for a while now, and this seizure may give a slight release to the smartphone giant as these counterfeit products have been eating into its profit.
The company claims that in Delhi Region alone it seized Rs 33.5 crores worth fake products. While in Bangalore it managed to seize worth Rs 22 crores, and in Mumbai and Chennai it got Rs 6.5 and Rs 3.5 crores worth HP fake products respectively.
The fake imitating products mainly included cartridges, packaging materials, and various sets of labels, as well as some HP headphones and other laptop accessories.
The company has partnered with Anti-Counterfeiting and Fraud (ACF) Programme in the country and seized over 170 shops across all over India, and the police arrested at least 144 criminals for this.
If you are worried about whether your HP product is fake or original, you can easily check it from the SNID code located at the back of the HP product. If it is the original Xiaomi product, a text will appear at the bottom showcasing the device details and warranty. And if it’s fake, the result will not appear and confirm it could be fake. Users can also have double-checked this issue in their nearby HP service center.