HTC came up with a teaser for its release of the 4K Vive VR headset via its official Twitter account, and the brand is expected to showcase its New Year’s resolution at CES 2018. The headset supports 4K visuals via its 2x 1,080 x 1,200 resolution.
Now, a 4K version of the HTC Vive has been in talks for a long. One such was the company to showcase a 4K version at CES 2017, but they simply killed it off before the show. At that time, Vive was released 8 months ago, and HTC did well in deciding to focus on developing the ecosystem before going for an update.
As for cost, the HTC Vive’s updated model has a $599 tag, which is $200 less than its predecessor having the same kit of a couple of controllers, a couple of base stations, and other accessories! Wouldn’t that be a smart sales move?
But just not so fast for the happy faces of the VR fans; you need the hardware list in the below image to enjoy the 4K visuals the model is to offer. The current one only needs a PC that provides support for ‘two screens with 1,080 x 1,200 resolutions each running at 90Hz.’

In accordance with the list, you don’t need updated processors. Any modern laptop or desktop will fulfill the memory requirement. A high-end graphics card and other requirements will still be expensive to acquire.