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Huawei Qingyun W510 Desktop With AMD Radeon 520 Graphics Card Revealed

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Huawei is a very popular name in the world of mobile technology but that is not all. The recent advent of 5G has set Huawei as one of its pioneers. There is no doubt about the popularity of Huawei products but what might come as a shock to most people is that Huawei has a few products in the field of computers too. These computers, just like the smartphones by Huawei, are also commendable and worth mentioning.

Only Huawei, as one of the world’s leading companies, can come up with products that meet the users’ expectations and delivers the best of technology. According to the news, a few of Huawei’s desktop products have made their appearance on the official website of the Chinese smartphone giant. The new desktop is named Qingyun W510. As per the record, the computer is manufactured by Foxconn.

Huawei Qingyun W510 bears resemblance to Foxconn’s own desktops. The listed details reveal that the computer features a 23.8-inch 1080P display screen and comes with a mouse keypad. Huawei Qingyun W510 desktop is equipped with Kungpeng 920 24-core processor. Huawei claims that the performance of the Kungpeng processor is better than that of the Intel Core i9-9900K.

Furthermore, the Huawei Qingyun W510 comes with an AMD Radeon 520 graphics card and has an 8GB notebook memory and 512 GB of hard drive memory. The positioning is provided by government and enterprise customers, so the desktop comes equipped with a domestic UOS system that cannot be replaced by Windows.

Qingyun’s ecological cooperation is a project that is based on the ecological adaptation plan initiated by the series of desktop terminals by Huawei’s Qingyun. Huawei’s aim with the Qingyun is to improve the application ecology of desktop terminals, covering office, design, and learning scenarios. Huawei is also hoping that its own Quingyun could replace all the computer equipment of government enterprises or schools, giving rise to a series of domestic PCs.


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