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Join as a TechGenyz Contributor: Know How to Register

Welcome to TechGenyz! TechGenyz is one of the leading tech media companies for the millennial generation. We accept contributors who want to share their expertise among the thousands of readers worldwide.

If you are looking for a vast friendly platform to showcase your writing skills worldwide, then our contributor platform is the ideal place to join in. We are working with a large number of professionals all across the world from almost every sector.

If you want to write a guest post or want to know how to become a guest author in TechGenyz then here you can find answers to all your queries.

We are looking for writers with the spark who can engage our reader’s community, and help them stay abreast of the latest developments in technology. We have a big network of columnists and guest writers consisting of 550+ people across the globe. We want you to be a part of our extended family and contribute as a writer.

However, being a media house, we have certain guidelines that need to be followed by our contributing authors.

You can join TechGenyz Contributor Community and share your ideas with our readers. As a TechGenyz contributor, you can also get brand exposure for your work and personal business.

TechGenyz will allow you to reach the right audience via our website and social channels with millions of readers from 100 plus countries.

What all you need to know?

First of all, we look for three things from our writers – E-A-T. Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness. You need to be an expert in your field, you need to show that you have authority in a particular subject and above all, your story-telling can earn the trust f the readers.

The content submitted to us doesn’t mean it is accepted for publication. First, our Editors will review the content and if it is approved then only your content will be added to our calendar based on the calendar with a turn-around time of two weeks. However, in case of rejection will not write to everyone personally. See our full Editorial Guidelines HERE.

Who can write for us?

We primarily focus on publishing articles relates to technology, startup, entrepreneruship, wellness, metal health, AI, marketing & advertising, business growth & strategy and more. We encourage industry experts, analysts, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, C-Suite executives, professors, doctors, researchers, wellness coach to share their expertise with our readers.

The writer should have a LinkedIn and/or Twitter social media profile. The article submitted should match the content topics we cover on our website. Each write-up must include relevant data, information, graphics, research. Needless to mention, it should be plagiarism-free. We will block the writer any plagiarised copy is received.

How to join?

You can register on our platform by giving your details like first name, last name, email ID, and choose your username and password. Next, you will receive a confirmation mail to verify your email. Once your email ID is verified you are done, you can now publish content on our website whenever you want. Please click the below link to register.

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