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See the Latest Tweets First – Looks like Twitter makes right changes on right time!

Stuti Nandan
Stuti Nandan
Feminist by mind, socialist by heart. Passionate about everything she does, always learn new things with an open mind. A tech savvy and keeps an update about everything happening around, loves reading that is what gives her the best of both world some reality some fantasy.

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Twitter announced that it will allow some of its users to disable Twitter’s best tweet first through a newly introduced home-screen button. This will allow the users to view the latest tweets first instead of going through the whole feed, and users can easily switch between both feeds.

“We want to make it easier to toggle between seeing the latest tweets the top tweets, So we’re experimenting with making this a top-level switch rather than buried in the settings. Feedback welcome”, tweeted Kayvon Beykpour, Twitter’s product lead.

On Wednesday, Twitter announced about its new Twitter bot-reporting feature which is designed to flag the spams and it is characterized as the manipulation attempts the platform.

“Sometimes you want to see the latest Tweets, first. We’re testing a way for you to make it easier to switch your timeline between the latest and top Tweets. Starting today, a small number of you will see this test on iOS”, Twitter tweeted.

The company tweeted from its Twitter safety account, “Activity that attempts to manipulate or disrupt Twitter’s service is not allowed. We remove this when we see it, You can now specify what type of spam you’re seeing when you report, including fake accounts”.

Both of the changes are happily welcomed by the users as these would protect the users from harassments and other problems, which looks like the right decision.


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