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Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix, 9th Dawn III are now available for Xbox One

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Xbox One is finally blessed with Nickelodeon Kart Racers and the 9Th Dawn III games. In a recent tweet made by Larry Hyrb, it came to the front that the Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix is now finally available on Xbox One.

The Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix is obviously a multiplayer game. The gamers have the option to choose from 30 playable racers and could take up to 70 team members to assemble the ultimate pit crew.

For their pit crew, the gamers can choose from the all-time favourites and Nickelodeon’s hall of fame which includes names such as JoJo Siwa, SpongeBob SquarePants, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the babies from Rugrats, the cool kids from Hey Arnold!, Ren and Stimpy, Lincoln Loud and his sisters, and many more. The game offers more characters, more carts for an outstanding experience.

As for the gameplay, the players need to speed their way across a variety of obstacles and hurdles which include slime-filled tracks, finishing which, the players will be prompted to shift into the next gear.

In the first part of the game on the slime tracks, the players could win cups and over 80 upgrades for their Karts. In the next level of the game, the players can choose to play against their friends in online multiplayer option or choose to stay in the local arena multiplayer to see who finishes the line first. The players will also be presented with the option to handle the wild arena challenges.

As mentioned earlier, the players can choose from the beloved Nickelodeon characters. The new game, the Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix presents the opportunity to its fans to choose from 100 Nick characters.

The 70 pit crew members are each endowed with powers that are unique to their own, and which, in the end, will help the player to win. Strategizing will obviously come in handy to increase the level of attack or defense.

For the multiplayer mode, the game offers local multiplayer up to 4 players, and online multiplayer up to 8 players. The latest from GameMill Entertainment is available for purchase at $35.99.

Another game that has been released on Xbox One is the 9Th Dawn III which is a 2D open-world Role Playing Game. The player will set out in an adventure in the depth of the darkest dungeons, across the fields of Ashwick, the snowy regions of Halstom, dense forests of Vlak, facing over 200 monsters, looking for treasure and other rare materials.

On their adventure, the players will be presented with the opportunity to collect 1400 uniquely drawn items. The fantasy game includes all the traditional tropes of a role-playing game, such as spells, developing skills to evolve into a warrior, develop crafting skills such as cooking, enchanting, weapon-smithing, etc.

To improve their combat skills, the players could recruit monsters, and turn them into powerful allies. The sidequests include taking time out of the main quest to help the townsfolk with their problems. The game is priced at $15.99.

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