OnePlus CEO Pete Lau said in an interview with CNET that the company will be launching the OnePlus 6 in June and that the phone will pack the Snapdragon 845 chipset. Late in 2017, a report mentioned contained a list of smartphones to be released this year with 845 chipsets, and it said that OP6 would be launching in June.
Lau said in a statement: “There’s no other choice” for the company than the 845 chip of Qualcomm. This will help in spirit discussions regarding the specs of the phone, which are so far unknown. But the phrase in the statement alone is enough to encourage the OP fans as they will be expecting a high-end device.
It is more likely that the handset will bear the OnePlus 6 name instead of anything else, given the trend that the brand is following.
Another speculation suggests that the phone will have a second variant (like the OnePlus 6T), albeit Lau didn’t confirm anything. But the past two years tell us that it is possible.
OnePlus will as well be partnering with US carriers to market its phones. Although, further details on deals were not revealed. Another Chinese competitor Huawei recently failed in this part, which would fuel debates on how it’s going to turn up for OnePlus.
If the right opportunity and right timing come along, we’ll be very happy to experiment.- Pete lau, OnePlus, CEO
We are keeping a tab on further revealings regarding the OP6 and will get back here to provide updates accordingly!