Despite retaining some of its radical elements, email, in an era of technological advancement, is considered to be archaic. This claim is rooted in the seemingly unchanged structure of the email, how it functions, and in the ways that it lacks behind some of today’s instant messaging apps.
One of the grounds to dismiss emails as simply being ancient is the claim that deleting an email that has already been sent, received, and read is not possible. Keeping all the personal grudges behind accidentally sending an email behind, OnePlus certainly wishes that the feature to delete sent emails existed, especially since the smartphone company accidentally revealed the emails of everyone who participated in a survey.
OnePlus conducted a survey earlier this year regarding the rollout of OxygenOS 10.5.11. One of the main promises that these surveys make upfront is that of retaining the anonymous status of the user taking the survey. The recent OnePlus blunder consisted of exposing the participants’ email addresses in an email blast.
Emails have that BCC feature that hides the email addresses of other participants, but this tiny yet crucial detail might have skipped someone’s mind at the OnePlus HQ, and now everyone in that email blast has a list of everyone else’s email addresses.
This error could have occurred by anyone unintentionally, and this may appear to be a trivial thing. However, it should be noted that a number of times OnePlus got involved in a security breach, and the email addresses if fallen into wrong hands, this tiny mistake could lead to other leaked OnePlus customer information or even be used for, as mentioned by Android Police, other social engineering attempts.
Some people are going as far as to call it jokingly OnePlus’s recurring launch curse. On a serious note, OnePlus should take extra measures in handling customer information.