The Pokémon anime series has had a huge impact on young viewers ever since the beginning and stands as a strong base for the entire Pokémon franchise. Even though it had first begun as a video game series published by Nintendo, it has now grown into a massive franchise that includes a video game, anime television and film series, manga comics, books, a trading card game, music, toys, and merchandise.
The anime follows the adventures of the 10-year-old Ash Ketchum who aspires to be the greatest Pokémon trainer in the world, and wants to “catch ‘em all”. Ever since the first movie based on the anime, Pokémon The First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back was released, the release of at least one Pokémon movie has become almost an annual event.
2018’s Pokémon the movie, Pokemon the Movie: Everyone’s Story, was released today in Japan, and the makers included a teaser for the next year’s movie at the end of the movie, where Masachika Ishimura, the original voice actor for Mewtwo, can be heard as he says, “Who am I? What am I?” At the end of it, a title card with “Evolution” is shown in a corner. This could be the teaser for a film that deals with Mewtwo’s Mega Evolution forms, as we speculate. But we can only wait and watch.
Via: Nintendo Life