Qualcomm has launched the first Snapdragon-powered 5G PC with Lenovo. The pair has unveiled the world’s first 5G laptop that runs on the mobile chipmaker’s new 7nm Snapdragon 8cx 5G compute processor.
A lot of information was not revealed as this is still in progress, the two companies are calling the laptop ‘Project Limitless’ and is unveiled at the annual Computex tech conference in Taipei, Taiwan.
The laptop runs on Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8cx Compute Platform, which is designed to support both 5G and 4G connections, combines the Qualcomm Adreno 680 GPU with the Qualcomm Kryo 495 CPU and has a battery that Qualcomm claims to last for several days per charge. The platform uses the Snapdragon X55 5G modem, which has download speeds of up to 2.5 Gbps.
The 5G PC will have super low latency and a battery that Qualcomm claims can last for several days on a charge.
open the door to new, transformative user experiences for both consumers and enterprises – Johnson Jia, Lenovo’s senior vice-president
Lenovo hasn’t revealed anything regarding its price, availability, and details about specifications but says Project Limitless devices will arrive in early 2020. They are all set to be the world’s first laptops with Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X55 5G modem.