It’s been reported by live streaming news network Cheddar that Snap is going to introduce its latest feature enabling the users to share stories beyond the app. As of now, the firm is facing tough competition from Facebook and Instagram. This particular Snapchat Stories Everywhere feature is expected to expand the impact of the app beyond the usual scope of just a core mobile app.
Snapchat went public in February. Snap then company has been busy & distracted in dealing with stagnating user growth and declining revenue. It was a poor third quarter of this year for them. Their shares took a dive as a result of the disappointing figures. Facebook has successfully replicated their core features representing itself in a better way than Instagram.
It compelled Snap to start thinking about new features. This new design that includes a more focused Discover feed provides news and entertainment from professional print, TV, and online outlets will be made available to a small percentage of users, for the time being.
Snapchat is trying their best for sure to increase the presence of their user-generated and professionally crafted contents across the web. It is yet to be seen how much impact these changes can cause.
Rahul Chopra, the former CEO of Storyful, the former Executive at News Corp is reportedly leading third “Stories Everywhere” project of Snap. His sole focus is on increasing the user growth. His intention is to modify Snapchat into a one-stop destination for news, sports, and other premium video and editorial content. Twitter had made a similar move in 2011, allowing the users to take their tweets off-platform.