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How can social media boost your SEO ranking

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SEO optimization is essential to reach anywhere near the top spot on primary search engine’s rankings like Google, Baidu, Bing, and Yahoo. In addition, SEO is a grand strategy to edge past other businesses in this competitive online environment.

Google has stated numerous times that links and content are the two primary factors of getting a high rank in search. Therefore, all B2C and B2B marketplaces should focus on producing high-quality and engaging content, and secure useful links. However, the surprising fact that I’m about to disclose is that you can actually use social media marketing tactics to boost your ranking and increase your traffic.

Even though Google hasn’t said that social media metrics are used as ranking factors, there are numerous ways social platforms can have a strong influence on your ranking.

See how social media can boost traffic on your website and revamp your SEO approach.

1. Content promotion

You may have some of the best writers or editors in your company, but if you can’t get enough eyes to see or read your content, you’ll never generate enough traffic. Social media channels, on the other hand, are ideal platforms to promote all the content you publish on your website.

content promotion

Social platforms are incredibly user-friendly, and you can effectively and efficiently share your SEO optimized content. Even though the links on your social media posts aren’t as credible as it could have been if found on high-quality sites, they can still improve your average time-on-site and bounce rate.

If you’re content lives up to your expectation, people will not only read it but may also perform what you’ve asked them to or open several other pages of your site. These engagement metrics make you look valuable in front of search engines.

2. More engagement

Another way you can benefit from using social media is a significant increase in engagement. If anyone of your followers finds your content useful or entertaining, they may like, comment or even share the post. Thought sharing isn’t a ranking factor for both Bing and Google, engagement definitely is!

social media engagement

Social sharing is a tremendous engagement booster. More engagement means, a higher reputation online with enhanced chances of generating quality leads. All content that gets high engagement, regardless of the platform, will rank better for the particular topic or keywords targeted.

3. More brand awareness enhance your SEO ranking

Though you may think that social media marketing will only improve your brand’s reputation in the industry, your ranking will also get a good push. If you frequently post high-quality content and share it on social platforms, all the increased engagement will enhance your brand’s reputation and online brand presence.

SEO Ranks

In today’s modern world, an online presence is a crucial factor in making your website credible for both your potential audience and major search engines. As soon as your brand becomes a well-known entity, your prospects will start searching for your business with its official name instead of keywords or queries. The more searches your brand receives, the higher the chance of it getting ranked for non-branded keywords.

4. Social sharing is a great link builder

Your social presence can lead to high-quality links from many influential websites. If your content is excellent and is shared by numerous users, it would eventually make it viral. Influential sites are always on the lookout for such viral topics. Once they see a viral post, they post the link on their website somewhere in the content. Sometimes, they even produce content on a particular post or topic.

social sharing

Such authentic backlinks are considered highly influential in determining your website’s rank. This style of link building is also known as influencer marketing. In addition, social sharing also encourages external sites to link to your content.

With more external links your site will grow in value, and at the end of the day, you’ll be credited for your work by Google with a better rank. All you have to do is work hard on producing creative, unique, and engaging content that has the power to move your reader. After that, maintain a habit of regularly sharing all your content on social media.

5. Social media channels are search engines itself

How many of you use social media networks like Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn to search for businesses, addresses, or other contact information? Well, I do it a lot! The main reason for using these social platforms for searches is that they provide more authentic results.

For example, if you live in Chicago and are looking for a burger joint in this State, you’ll get results closer to your current location. In addition, if it’s a place within your reach, chances are you’ll see people on your friend’s list who have also liked the business page.

social media channels

Apart from that, if you start making searches on both Twitter and Facebook, you’ll even get to see the latest posts related to news, sports events and the most trending topics. If you aren’t able to achieve a good rank on Google, your social presence can still put you in a win-win position.

Wrap Up

Many experts claim that Google’s search algorithm ignores social metrics. However, that doesn’t mean that this search giant also ignores engagement, online presence and bounce rate of your website. And with the help of social sharing, you can achieve a good score in all these departments.

In addition, nowadays many people prefer reaching out to potential businesses through their social media profiles. With over 2.62 billion social media users worldwide, you can’t just ignore marketing on these platforms. Nearly, 1/3 of the world’s population can be targeted in your social media marketing approach. If you are a B2C or an international B2B marketplace, then social media channels are crucial.

Now that you know how your social presence can actually impact your online presence and boost your ranking on major search engines, you better start planning your social media marketing strategy today.


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