Sony Interactive Entertainment has announced its plans to host a world-free online multiplayer weekend starting this Saturday. The promotion, scheduled to hold between February 12 and 14, is available for PS4 and PS5 gamers who are not on any PlayStation Plus Subscription.
While the weekend doesn’t imply you’d have free access to just any games you didn’t buy, it allows you to access erstwhile inaccessible multiplayer aspects of the games. According to a set of videos released by PlayStation on YouTube today, paid online multiplayer games like NBA 2K22, Monster Hunter, and Fall Guys will be available without cost this weekend.
The free online multiplayer weekend began last December when Sony Interactive Entertainment first hosted the promotion for players with a PlayStation Network account. Sony intensified its marketing around games like Call of Duty, FIFA 22, and Vanguard during the December free multiplayer weekend. However, players can typically access whatever game has a multiplayer option attached to it.
The world-free online multiplayer games for PS5 and PS4 also imply that players can join a network of millions of game pros from around the world to better the thrill of their gaming passion.
Expectedly, Sony intends that many persons try out the offer and develop the conviction to subscribe to a paid plan after the weekend. By doing so, players can access the monthly free games offer on PlayStation. In addition, they’d also be able to enjoy the different additional discounts and in-game freebies available on PlayStation Plus.
Perhaps the best aspect, especially for PS5 players, is the PlayStation Plus Collection. The PS Plus Collection is a bundle that contains some of PS4’s biggest names, including God of War, Persona 5, and Uncharted 4. PlayStation Plus is worth buying, but players who doubt the need to purchase one have this weekend to see what Sony Interactive Entertainment’s subscription service has for the public.