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Top 6 ways VR Technology Will Change the World

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Imagine swimming with the dolphins without actually going to the ocean. Imagine experiencing an entire auto expo while standing in your living room. Imagine watching The Avengers fight off bad guys while standing in the middle of a New York street as an alien race lay siege to planet Earth. These are no longer figments of somebody’s imagination anymore; these scenarios are what advancements in technology have made reality… Virtual Reality, to be precise.

Virtual reality or VR technology is the use of computer equipment to generate a three-dimensional environment with which one can interact as if it were real. VR is a remarkable feat of technology and gadgetry that has taken the world by storm. VR has made it possible to explore the world without physically being there. Just one VR headset and a 3D environment simulator, and you are ready to jump off a cliff or watch a tyrannosaurus rex so up close that you can hear the rumbling of its breaths. With its countless applications, here are six ways in which virtual reality will bring a remarkable change to the world.

Military Applications

Military Application VRWith a simulated environment, VR has immense utility in military training programs. VR can make it possible for soldiers to experience war-like bombarding and danger without getting a single bruise. VR can also have applications in weaponry operations and simulations, considering that the environment mirrors the one in real-life situations. This translates to huge savings on life and expenses.

Designing And Modelling

Designing ModelingUp till now, the scope of our interaction with design has been limited to computer screens and two-dimensional interfaces. Virtual reality aims to give it an overhaul. With the unlimited scope of conceptualization made possible through VR gadgets, the design and modeling industry is set to benefit a lot, ranging from how we ideate and design things to how we explore them and interact with them.

The biggest beneficiaries of this bliss are going to be the automobile and real estate industry. Imagine taking a tour of a conceptualized house and being able to take a look at every nook and corner of it, and even that by just being in a single room. VR makes it possible to design prospective spaces and even model movable parts for clearer vision and experience.


Future Virtual RealityEver had a ride on the virtual roller coaster with that big screen up front? Well, double that adrenaline rush and swaying to the edge because VR has become the ‘it’ factor of the modern gaming industry. For instance, PlayStation has ushered into virtual reality gaming with the launch of the PS4 VR headset, which has completely changed how we explore the realms of 3D games. Tactile interaction in various games involving hack and slash, shooting or jumping has added a new flavor to the high-tech pleasure. Or in other words, you don’t control the video game character; you are the character.


VR EntertainmentEveryone has had the pleasure of watching a 3D movie with those glasses on. Now, with VR’s introduction, our definition of such regular entertainment is set to change drastically. Switch on to a YouTube video with 360 degrees VR capability and you will know what we’re talking about. As multidimensional visualization has been made possible through feats of technology and image rendering, VR is set to enhance the way we observe movies or even TV shows. With a VR headset on, you can escalate the level of interaction with digital audio-visual content. VR has also made it possible to create dragons of Game of Thrones or battles of Hogwarts in a single green screen room. The recent introduction of VR headsets into pornography is only a little piece in the uprising of this multibillion-dollar industry.


Sports VRThe 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea, have become the first to be available for 360 VR viewing. That is, you don’t need to depend on the cameraman’s point of view to catch your favorite sports stars in action. You can actually be in the middle of the playfield and see players shoot goals or even ice skate. Not only that, with multiple players, augmented reality can make it possible to play tennis with your partner from the comfort of your home.


VR ShoppingThough VR is only in its infancy in the sphere of online shopping, it is set to change how we buy things too. Virtual supermarkets and shopping carts will bring you the liberty of choosing the grocery items you need. Makeup simulation and clothing simulation will be the future of try-on (and lesser returns). Overall it will add to consumers’ experience and satisfaction and improve businesses.

In conclusion, virtual reality is here to conquer the world and will definitely be the buzzword for the future of reimagination and better technology.

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