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Top 7 destinations to travel this 2021 you may have not known

While the whole world went into a sudden halt with the onset of the pandemic, the most resilient sectors of all, travel and tourism, have undergone an unprecedented setback unlike ever before.

But it seems that like every other sector, travel, and tourism are putting all its effort to stand back on its feet like every other sector. Considering a recent survey that reported almost 47% of people looking forward to resuming with travel schedules to serve it as an antidote to the pandemic shut off, it is presumable that travel and tourism as a sector have begun to boom once again.

Amidst this, Loney Planet has released a list of 12 destinations chosen to be the upcoming ‘Best Destinations of 2021’ whose main purpose is to harness the idea of sustainability, community, and diversity as an integration made at its entirety in the list. We have tried to enlist the best 7 of them in the given list chosen from the Best Travel Destinations of 2021:

1. Antigua & Barbuda

This independent commonwealth country from the Caribbean region is an ultimate destination when it comes to knowing the pre-colonial Latin culture of the Americans. In 2018, it stood out to the 163rd destinations, boarding with almost 269,000 tourists.

Credit: @travnikovstudio | Freepik

Known for their coral reefs, ultramarine blue coastline hitting the edge of sands in pink and white hues is surely considered a majestic destination. It can be an elixir for the boredom-stricken heart of the travelers.

2. Faroe Islands

Enlisted as a ‘Community Immersion’ destination, this second top destination from the Kingdom of Denmark was one of the top destinations of 2019, 2020 known for “The dramatic – and highly Instagrammable – landscapes, wildlife, remote villages and emerging food scene are drawing growing numbers of visitors in search of a bracing, authentic and stress-free break” – Financial Times, ‘Where To Go in 2019’ article.

Faroe Island
Credit: @welcomia | Freepik

With an increasing number of visitors every year following the 11% increase in 2017 compared to its earlier destinations, it stands out as a destination.

3. Greece

Everyone has known Greece speaking of beauty, ancient philosophies, and the domain of the ancient ‘intelligentsia.’ Greece stands out to be the 13 best world destinations with almost 30 million tourists coming there every year.

Travel Greece
Credit: @wirestock | Freepik

However, for 2021, it has diverged a little and is enlisted as a food destination that promises to bring sustainable and organic food locales under one roof.

4. Gothenberg, Sweden

This second-largest city in Sweden is known for its diverse tourist spots. It has been the receiver of The European Capital of Smart Tourism 2020 award at a ceremony in Helsinki. But in 2021, it will begin its journey as a sustainable center with the possible aspirations of making itself a fossil-independent country by 2030.

5. Palau

This little island country is an unfamiliar destination for many but has been popular in the fishing and agricultural segment. Keeping pace with the motto of sustainable living is enlisted as a destination that reverberates the beauty of pristine nature and the maritime climate.

Credit: @bearfotos | Freepik

6. Gullah Island

This underrated destination, located on the Sea Islands of the southeastern US coast, is the heart of the African cultural heritage. This reserves a special mention in the list as a domain that tends to bring out the significance of the core knowledge of the massively influential ancient African beliefs and culture among the city dwellers’ indomitable heart.

7. Australia

Australia has always been acknowledged for its expansive history, colonial dominance, and biodiversity.

Sydney Opera House
Credit: @wirestock | Freepik

Despite being a victim-zone of various natural catastrophe preceded by human callousness, Lonely Planets endeavor in including Australia in the list is to proliferate the idea of restoration and regeneration by urging people to visit the land of beauty and create awareness based on the importance of the animal kingdom and the fundamental crux of biodiversity.

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