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Top 7 Secrets to qualify in a Digital Marketing Interview

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You would have already had an advanced digital marketing training from home or some digital marketing training institutes. You would have already perfected your CV, would have written excellent cover letters, and would have already applied for a large variety of jobs. As a result, you have received a response from the potential employer. So, what are you going to do, to stand the best among the crowd?

Everyone would have known how to prepare for a job interview. Usually, while getting ready for an interview, you have to check your outfits for a professional appearance, need to be relaxed, should arrive on time, need to look after the body language, ask insightful questions and more. But, getting ready for a digital marketing interview is a bit different.

So, here I have discussed some of the secrets that you can utilize to get ready for a digital marketing interview.

Understand the job description

First of all, while preparing for an interview, the most important thing that you need to concentrate is carefully understanding the job description. This section usually describes the general tasks, rules, and responsibilities of that particular position. This may also refer to the functionary of your position, to whom you need to report, qualification, skills, and salary range. Later on, compare your skills and requirements with the job description provided.

  • Analyze Job description
  • Examine which position fits you within this organization
  • Compare what qualifications employer seek

Research about the company and its culture

Job seekers should confidently expose that they’ll provide for a company’s culture during a job interview process. Some study says that HR professionals usually look for the right cultural personalities as it is the essential quality a job seeker must-have.

To know about the company’s culture, pay attention to their website regarding values, mission, and events they conducted. One of the best ways to learn about a company’s culture will be following the organization’s social media networks.

Show off how good you are in research

Sometimes, the interviewer will be frustrated if the candidate doesn’t know anything about the job, employer and the organization. So before scheduling an interview with an employer, as much as you can about the company;

1. Get the quick track on companies press conference, announcements and presentations to know about their present work
2. For small-sized companies, surf Google about the management
3. Make use of Techcrunch to get knowledge about their recent activity
4. Make a note about their new products, services and other offerings to talk about that during an interview
5. Review the company’s profile and exciting review from the previous employee on Glassdoor
6. Take a detailed note on any specific points that are relevant while researching about the company. Take a step ahead to know about their unique technologies, products, service, company culture and another topic that you can use to mention during the interview.

As a potential employee, you ought to have an idea regarding the type of work you’d be doing once you are hired. So, have a look at the company’s clients and the services they offer as this will give a good impression on you. To find about them, you can check for their blogs, websites, white papers and case studies as this will give you a better idea on their accomplishments.

Don’t get afraid while giving critique for the company’s website

It is for sure that you’ll be asked a question in your interview, “Have you reviewed our company’s website and social profiles?”. Don’t imagine too high to think about whether it’s a tricky question? This is asked to check whether you have fresh insights and perspectives for their website.

Remember, this is a perfect opportunity to showcase your researching skills and the sincerity that you have shown towards this interview. Don’t fear to give critiques to their website or social profiles as the interviewer will appreciate hearing suggestions you have.

If you are not asked about their company’s website, then you should manage to bring that topic out along with some recommendations and areas to be improved upon. This will highlight your positive approach to the company’s digital properties.

Put effort to get an online presence

Think about it, if you are searching for an interviewer through why can’t they go for social media platforms to know about you. By a report, 90% of employers are seeking their interview candidates on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to know about their candidate’s online presence and to screen them in the job interview process.

Interestingly, employers check social networks at all stages of the interview process. Data shows that 50% of the employers check candidates social media profiles after receiving an application.

Avoid missing out on the great opportunities due to your social media presence and so start perfecting your social presence before getting ready for the interview process. Be smart in adjusting your privacy settings to make your profile invisible to non-friends. Check out your tweets in the Twitter account and delete if any of them will affect your reputation. Check whether your LinkedIn Profile is up to date and reflect your current skills and designation.

It’s okay if you don’t know anything in the digital umbrella

The digital umbrella is completely varied with everything in SEO, SEM, Social media marketing, and everything that comes under digital marketing automation. If you are right in almost all the things and feel little shaky in one of the areas given in job description. Then, don’t just get panic. Just be glossy enough to turn that to your advantage.

Be strong in Analytics

Every role in digital marketing will have a measurement component in it. So, it’s highly necessary for you to prove that you are great at analytics as well as interpreting them. This will set you to stay apart from other candidates in your ability. Be clear in the examples of your previous campaigns and how your insights have helped in improving the outcome of the campaign.

If you hadn’t had the opportunity to work with the analytics previously, check out Google as there are numerous online resources available on hand.

Remember the traditional job interview rules

Your primary role in the interview is to convince the recruiter that you have skills. So, to do that you need to follow some traditional interview tips.

To the most, plan what you need to wear such as a neutral-colored suit, professional shoes, formal casuals, wrinkle-free and neat clothes. On the whole, don’t forget to give a clean and elegant look.

  • Take extra copies of resume
  • A notepad and pen
  • References list
  • A portfolio with your sample works
  • Project confidence
  • Manage your facial expressions
  • Be attentive
  • Prepare for responses
  • Take a few aptitude tests at home
  • Sit up straight and comfortable

What Digital Marketing Companies are looking from you?

  • They expect you to prove your experience
  • Want to know how you have solved your customer’s issue
  • Have you made any mistakes during the campaign?
  • Do you have any experience of working with a crisis situation?
  • They want to know about your designing, technical skills, and creativity.
  • Eager to know about content strategy

Apart from everything, the most important one is how you project yourself. So, be prepared and have updated the LinkedIn profile and as well be more social and active in different social networking sites. All over, research other digital marketing spaces to find out who is doing well in a similar industry.

The most important thing is to believe in yourself, then everything will work out as you plan. We wish you, For whatever you strive, may you always thrive.


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