Jane Manchun Wong, a blogger, accidentally discovered that Twitter has a snooze option. It would be wrong to state that Twitter already features the snooze option.
Rather Twitter is testing a new feature which would allow its users to pause the notifications by the app for a certain period of time. Won was not looking for the snooze button but was interested in checking out the app’s code underneath Twitter’s Android app.
Wong found a built-in bell button at the top right corner of the notifications tab. Tapping the bell icon opens a new Snooze Notifications panel which lets the users snooze the notification up to 12 hours. The time limit for snoozing is not rigid as the user can ‘unsnooze’ it by clicking the same button, thereby changing the snooze duration.
This snooze button might come in handy if the users are constantly bothered by its notification note or do not want to receive mass tweet notifications all through the day.
Other than Twitter, WhatsApp also has this snoozing option whereby the users can snooze a particular conversation, and its notification would not come up in the notification bar for as long the conversation is muted.
However, Twitter’s snooze does not mean that the user would not receive notifications. New replies and tweets are still stored in the notifications tab, and they will continue to accumulate until the user looks at them or swipes them away.
Because this snooze button option is still in testing mode, there is no guarantee as to the confirmed release of this feature. This is an experimental measure taken to prevent social media burnout.
Last year, Facebook rolled out time management tools hoping that users will use this to monitor how much time they spend on Facebook. Similarly, Google had also released Digital Wellbeing tools to limit app usage.