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Twitter Top Executives Evacuating Amid Confusion

Not so long ago, Twitter laid off thousands of employees with a whopping paycheck to get over from a distant break; following the dreadful incident, several top-tier executives from the privacy and safety team resigned now.

Twitter is an amusing place to survive under the helm of ambitious man Elon Musk. Twitter’s chief safety office undisclosed their unproven resignation on Thursday, bowing out from the company’s key position might cost the company’s highest recorded number to get over it.

Twitter head of safety Yoel Roth, got away from his commands after Musk organized the blue platform’s first all-meeting on Thursday; in the wake of that, Robin Wheeler, who worked as Vice president of client solutions, decided not to extend the line under the reign of Elon Musk. Federal Trade Commission said the team has been tracing down the hatches of Twitter development with keen concern on the wooden doors.

The company held under a consent mandate with the federal agency to enhance its privacy and safety features. According to reports, alongside the top-tier executives, a few more employees in the privacy and security department felt suspicious of the new policy being deployed in the platform. They decided to hop out from the running water before sinking into the abyssal.

Ever since Musk closed a deal of major $44 billion acquisition of Twitter a couple of weeks back, Musk has been getting going the platform, not in the direction it was supposed to go; the world’s richest man fired top-tier executives without any hint on the table and laid off half of the company’s strengths. To be more precise, the company laid off 7500 employees last week.


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