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U.S. Air Force Provides a $640 Million-split Between SpaceX and United Launch Alliance

Aniruddha Paul
Aniruddha Paul
Writer, passionate in content development on latest technology updates. Loves to follow relevantly on social media, business, games, cultural references and all that symbolizes tech progressions. Philosophy, creation, life and freedom are his fondness.

The United States Air Force has found a couple of satellite launch providers on a long-term basis. These are SpaceX and United Launch Alliance, which are sharing the $640 million in contracts. It is a strategic choice by the American Uniformed service provider. On the one hand, SpaceX is a fresh and independent organization being prospective with economic visions. On the other, ULA (a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing Defense) has a long military legacy,’ as WSJ puts it.

The US government recently announced procurement plans, based on which it has implemented the Air Force announcement of the split-venture. The awards are a part of their ongoing efforts to be more economical and have access to space launch missions with two or more service providers in the field.

The SpaceX United Launch Alliance joint venture is on course to develop a low-cost rocket family for more effective missions in the future. However, it will take about three to four years to reach the point where routine flights are possible.

Pentagon and Congress said that they will support the two launch providers by supporting transition policies, as these will allocate launches for both equally.

SpaceX is pleased with the Air Force’s decision to select us for all five of the GPS [launches] competed to date. – Gwynne Shotwell, President and COO of SpaceX

Tory Bruno, President and CEO of ULA, revealed that it is developing its next-gen rocket named Vulcan. Several of the venture’s major subcontractors are to further invest in essential technologies.

Presently, ULA is coming up with about half launches of the same by SpaceX annually. Therefore, the gradual increment of launches over the years can be expected, which will underline the joint venture’s success.

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