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Uber Wants to Sell Its Self-driving Technology to Other Companies Starting With Toyota

Aniruddha Paul
Aniruddha Paul
Writer, passionate in content development on latest technology updates. Loves to follow relevantly on social media, business, games, cultural references and all that symbolizes tech progressions. Philosophy, creation, life and freedom are his fondness.

Uber Toyota is in talks regarding chances to install its self-driving tech in the Japanese brand’s vehicles, according to a Nikkei report. Uber is indeed on course to sell its automated vehicle tech to other companies, and the Japanese brand is the brand they want to start with.

This was further confirmed by the Japanese business daily, although they kept it hush about their sources. They said that Toyota may use the tech in one of its minivan models and that Uber CEO Khosrowshahi has met with the Japanese executives in the USA this week.

Toyota is developing automated driving systems on its own and has confirmed that it is open to collaborating with other companies. Through these collaborations, their objective is to bring new mobility techs to the market.

Toyota does have a partnership with Uber at present on ride-hailing as well as the development of self-driving technologies. A spokeswoman for the former said: “We regularly exchange information about automated driving with Uber for some time now.” She as well added that no decision has been taken aside from the existing partnership.

The Japanese automaker is also an investor in Uber. It even offers flexible vehicle leasing terms for the drivers of the American automaker. However, there’s no info revealed on the size of Toyota’s stake in Uber.

Stay with us for the next update on Uber and Toyota’s agreements in the field of self-driving cars.


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