Ubisoft, the renowned publisher known for its impactful titles, has recently decided to delist its open-world racing game, The Crew, marking the end of a legendary era for the franchise. The game, which first screeched onto the gaming scene in December 2014, exceeded expectations, prompting fans to anticipate a new installment in the series eagerly.
This anticipation persisted until September 2023, when the latest addition, The Crew Motorfest, finally hit the shelves. After a seemingly interminable wait of nine years, the game made its way onto consoles.
However, a recent communication from the Ubisoft Ivory Tower team revealed that all editions of The Crew, including virtual currency packs, are no longer available for purchase through online stores. The game will, nonetheless, remain playable until the ominous date of March 31, 2024.
Beyond this point, all servers supporting The Crew will be permanently shut down, affecting gaming platforms such as PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Amazon Luna, and Ubisoft+.
The decision to delist The Crew is a response to ongoing server infrastructure and licensing constraints, as stated by Ubisoft in their official announcement. They expressed understanding of the potential disappointment this news may bring to players who truly enjoy the game.
The company emphasized that decommissioning a game, especially their inaugural title, is not a decision taken lightly. Despite bidding farewell to The Crew, Ubisoft reaffirmed its commitment to providing a top-tier action-driving gameplay experience. Their focus is now on ongoing support and content updates for The Crew 2 and the recently launched The Crew Motorfest.
The Ubisoft Ivory Tower team conveyed sentiments about The Crew’s significance, stating, “The Crew 1 symbolizes a lot to us, as it was the first game we launched and the cornerstone on which we founded a studio.” With nearly a decade under its belt, The Crew holds sentimental value for both the developers and the gaming community.
Nevertheless, the decision to sunset the servers highlights the ongoing challenges in preserving online games and the digital experiences associated with them. The closure of The Crew marks the end of an era, prompting reflection on the evolving landscape of online gaming and the need for strategies to ensure the preservation of gaming legacies.