Why you must focus on Offline Branding for Improving your SEO

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We are so much surrounded by the internet that it seems impossible to do anything without it. Everyone sells their product online and people buy it online too. Every brand is investing in online branding to get extra outcomes and hence this is the biggest myth that people waste their time as well as money in offline branding.

According to studies, offline marketing improves your online gain by 40%. You just have to do it correctly.

Branding does not mean that you must publicize your name and brand everywhere, but it means that you need to put this thing in a proper fashion so that it will attract your customer base.

  • Sometimes it looks hilarious that people put efforts for hardcopy publicity of products. But is it funny?
  • What makes you laugh about it?
  • What happened to offline marketing and branding? 
  • Does it vanish from this era of the internet?
  • Does it have any space in SEO?
  • Or is it equally important to focus upon offline activities of branding?

If you look around you, some big companies still use radio, magazines, and billboard ads to promote their products. This offline branding makes people search for products and their respective companies. Though it always makes sense to outsource your work from others but always keeps a watch on every channel. If you need help in SEO, you can hire blogger outreach service from Regions. So, trust it or not; offline branding has space in SEO.

So, how to fill up the gap between online and offline branding?

Let’s find out.               

1.Strong Logo and Tagline

You must create a bridge between offline and online branding there and your efforts will come into the picture. For that, you need a strong logo and tagline which describes your product without any passage written about it. If you put your logo and tagline on point, then there is a high probability that people will visit your website. You should keep your website nice as well as self-explanatory. You just have to take care of color, positioning, and related stuff of your logo and name so that people won’t get confused between what they saw offline Vs what they are seeing online.

2. Offers and Discounts

Offers and discounts always attract people. If you are planning to give some offers and discounts, make sure you put in a big and attractive font. Visual things always fascinate more people. This will attract people to your online presence, and this will boost your SEO score.

3. TV, Radio, Print Advertisements:

Not everyone uses social media, so you still have an audience who is keen to see/hear what’s new with your company. So, never underestimate the power of TV, radio, or print ads. You must have seen that sometimes even small posters of some products get our attention and we give it a thought to search that thing online.

4. Send Freebies

You can test this idea of sending some small, unique, and usable gifts to your customers when they buy/order from your e-store. More than branding this is like creating a caring and healthy relationship between buyer and seller. People usually take over social media to post stories about such things. They will mention your brand there and you will get promotions from your customers.

5. Give Demos

One of the most effective tools of any exchange is a conversation and if it’s happening directly between two participants in that exchange, then it is best. Giving demos provides a guideline to your customer base and they start trusting your products. In fact, the live demo can convince people faster than any other method.

6.Treat Your Loyal Customers

There are many people who use one product from your brand forever and never had second thoughts about it. So, you must give something to them in return for being loyal. For e.g. if your café has a customer who buys breakfast every day so you can provide a scheme like any customer will get a free coffee after 8 visits. This trick will keep them loyal persistently.

7. Understand consumer psychology

You must explore this topic because if you understand consumer psychology, many opportunities will be open for you. What they want and when is the right time to approach them with your strategies are the key questions whose answers will place offline branding into SEO scoring categories. And that is the necessity.

It does not mean that online branding is not operative. If you blend online and offline marketing effectively, then you are unconquerable. You will get two different platforms to publicize your brand. Your financial income is directly proportional to how good you are at maintaining the balance between these two platforms. If you ignore any one of it, you will lag in the market.

So, get started with offline branding strategies and enjoy desirable sales and profit.

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