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Xiaomi is testing self-driving car with lidar technology

Ananya Sengupta
Ananya Sengupta
She is keen on research and analysis be it in the tech world or in the social world. She's interested in politics and political opinion and likes to express herself through music, penning down her thoughts and reading.

According to CNMO news, Xiaomi has been allegedly building a car for more than a year now. The current level of progress is only at company registration and team building. On July 7, 2022, a Chinese car blogger exposed a photo of Xiaomi’s self-driving car. From the outline of the test vehicle, it can be deduced that Xiaomi used the BYD Han to test the self-driving technology. It has a lidar on top.

During Xiaomi’s spring launch conference in March of last year, Lei Jun emotionally said,” This is the last major entrepreneurial project in my life. I am willing to put all my reputation in life, personally lead the team, and fight for Xiaomi cars.” Xiaomi stated that the first model is expected to be officially mass-produced in the first half of 2024.

Xiaomi’s automobile business currently has more than 1,000 R&D personnel. Xiaomi continues to invest in patented technology. Xiaomi’s R&D expenditures in the first quarter of this year were 3.5 billion yuan, of which 425 million yuan came from innovative business expenses such as smart electric vehicles.

According to the results, Xiaomi has more than 800 patents related to automobiles, mainly in wireless communication networks and digital information transmission. Xiaomi may be testing its autonomous driving technology with the debut of its first test car. It can be seen that Xiaomi is developing its own autonomous driving technology.


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