The last days have been quite intense for Samsung. The company has been organizing the worldwide launch of the new Samsung Galaxy Fold, its first folding mobile. The latest report suggests that the South Korean company has postponed the launch events of its new folding mobile, the Samsung Galaxy Fold in China.
The problem is that several analysts have found that their units stopped working for some reason, as we reported earlier. We could try it for a few hours, and it did not give us the feeling that any of the units we saw had problems with the screen, but it seems that at least in some markets Samsung will pause the launch.
This week there are Samsung events related to the Fold in many countries of the world. China is one of the most important markets and it seems that the tech major in that country would have canceled such events and allegedly postponed the sale of the Galaxy Fold. For now, it is clear that the presentation events have been canceled.
The reasons for this are not known, although the probable reason could be related to the design or the screen. Samsung has already confirmed there would be no delays in its launch in the U.S.
After the events with the Galaxy Fold, many have remembered the Huawei model. Will it suffer similar problems? How will Huawei protect the screen if the phone’s design leaves it on the external side? This is something that we have been talking about since the presentation of both devices so it will be interesting to see the evolution of the case.