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Tesla to commence shipping vehicles from its China-based factory

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Tesla extended its manufacturing hub to China recently, and Tesla cars had been in production for some time now. Although the officials did not disclose the exact date of when the shipping of Tesla cars would commence, it has been announced officially that the company is all set to start shipping cars from China to its markets in Europe and Asia.

Recently, Tesla came out with a new video that showed off the inside of its Shanghai factory which is designated for the production of Model 3. In all probability, the new cars ready to ship would be none other than the Model 3 cars.

Elon Musk had labeled the Model 3 as “Alien Dreadnought” and the video shared by Tesla shows eight robots producing a single Model 3 vehicle.

Tesla’s manufacturing hub in China would be one of, what the company is hoping, many manufacturing factories worldwide. Recently, Musk has been trying to shift the company’s focus on global manufacturing, hoping to reach automotive production.

The manufacturing of Model 3 at the Shanghai hub began last year in November, and the promise of more cars had made the company maintain its profitability.

Tesla’s Global VP, Tao Lin commented that the factory at Shanghai would be able to produce 200,000 cars a year by the end of the second quarter. The factory of course faced some setbacks due to the coronavirus outbrea

k. The hub also had to overcome the hurdle of closure imposed on by the Chinese government. Additionally, the company also had to halt production as they suffered a huge amount of part shortages. However, that did not take much time to solve, and only after being closed for only a couple of days, the factory resumed its production of Model 3 vehicles.

Now it seems the production of cars is nearly finished as the shipping of cars would start very soon.

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