
7 Top mobile apps that give entrepreneurs the edge over their business

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7 Top mobile apps that give entrepreneurs the edge over their busi...

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Slack Gets its Fifth Language, Localized for the Japanese Market

Aniruddha Paul

Facebook Introduces Workplace Chat Apps and Screensharing

Aniruddha Paul


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10 Essential Tools to Improve Communication and Focus

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Salesforce Finishes Off With $27.7 bn Acquisition of Slack


The Best Software for Remote Teams

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Microsoft prohibits employees from using Slack, AWS, and Google Do...

Varun Kesari
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World Class Apps to Make Your Workplace Happy and Productive

Employee satisfaction is a key factor affecting the growth of an organization; only if your employees are satisfied and happy will their productivity be at its best. So, as entrepreneurs, while your business's success and profit are the key to being known as a good businessman, you should also pay importance to your emp...