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Twitter update adds sparkle button to switch between the latest and top tweets

Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mandal
Bipasha Mondal is writer at TechGenyz

Twitter is rolling out an update for iOS which lets its users switch between an algorithm generated timeline or a timeline in which the most recent tweets come first. This update is now available for iOS only, but Twitter will soon release the update for Android as well. In 2016, Twitter replaced the reverse chronological timeline with the one which showed the “best tweets first” and “in case you missed it” posts and it used to recommend tweets from people you do not follow.

Most of the users did not like this new order of timeline posts. The new updated version with personalized timeline has certainly made those users happy. Twitter paid grave attention to the feedback given by the users and as such, they reintroduced a pure latest-tweets timeline in September. A spokesperson from Twitter said, “We’ve learned that when showing the best tweets first, people find Twitter more relevant and useful. However, we’ve heard feedback from people who at times prefer to see the most recent tweets.”

The new update lets its users have more control over what they see in their timeline. The switching between the two types of timelines is very easy. Once the Twitter app is updated to the latest version, a “sparkle” button at the top right of the screen will make the users change between the two timelines by tapping on it. If Twitter senses inactivity for a while, the timeline will change back to its top tweets. However, users will be able to re-access the recent tweets by tapping on the sparkle button which then leads them to the new, somewhat personalized timeline of recent tweets. Twitter announced this new update on their official Twitter handle. The tweet read, “New on iOS! Starting today, you can tap ✨ to switch between the latest and top Tweets in your timeline. Coming soon to Android.”


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