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A refresh to the browsing world with the all-new Xiaomi Mint Browser

Stuti Nandan
Stuti Nandan
Feminist by mind, socialist by heart. Passionate about everything she does, always learn new things with an open mind. A tech savvy and keeps an update about everything happening around, loves reading that is what gives her the best of both world some reality some fantasy.

For browsing the internet, we get a lot of options online like the very well known UC Browser, Micromax Edge, Firefox Focus and now a new addition is made as Xiaomi’s Mint Browser which would consume very less memory and would work in low storage too.

Just like Xiaomi sells its mobile phones at a low or mid price so that most of the people can afford it, in the very same way this Xiaomi Mint Browser is sporting low memory footprint with a package size of sub-10 MB.

The primary goal for having this small browser is the data compression and it manages totally to give in the most of the features anyone would ever expect, like an incognito mode, reading mode, tabbed browsing and even a voice search feature too.

A test was performed to find out the browser on the lowest end device, the pages were quick to load and switch between and you can also toggle the User Agent between Android, iPad, iPhone, and desktop.

The best thing about Xiaomi Mint Browser is how it is balancing all of the functionality with that small size, all we hope is that it doesn’t load this down with advertisements in the future.

You can download the latest version of Mint Browser from APK Mirror or get it directly from the Google Play Store.

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